Journal of Contemporary Philosophical and Anthropological Studies 2025-02-23T22:10:50-06:00 Nataliya Bhinder Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal of Contemporary Philosophical and Anthropological Studies (JCPAS)</strong> is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of philosophy and anthropology. The journal is an important academic exchange platform where scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek for valuable findings for their research.</p> <p><strong>ISSN 2977-5507 </strong></p> AI Love You: Exploring the Level of Satisfaction of Using Artificial Intelligence as to Having Romantic Relationship 2025-01-08T21:09:57-06:00 Michelle Angel Saga Jhemaree Pearl Cabugwason Maria Isabel Cabusas Aizee Grace Camilo Vanessa Daugdaug Maria Luz Rosales Kaiser Kate Sacay Marian Joy Batiancila <p>At this modernity, various applications have been innovated to entertain people and foster romantic connections, with one of the most notable being the increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in romantic relationships. This study, conducted in the Philippines, aims to explore the relationship between relationship satisfaction from using AI in romantic relationships and the level of AI usage, while evaluating its significance in today’s generation. A total of 338 students ranging from Grade 11 to fourth-year college students, participated in this research, which employs a quantitative approach with a descriptive research design. The results revealed that participants were "satisfied" with their relationship satisfaction from using AI (M = 3.71, SD = 0.79), with 67% to 98% agreeing that AI positively influences their romantic relationship satisfaction. The overall AI usage in romantic relationships had a high mean score (M = 3.66, SD = 0.66), suggesting significant engagement with AI in this context. A moderately positive correlation (r = 0.585, p &lt; 0.000, N = 338) was found between AI usage and relationship satisfaction, indicating that as AI usage increases, so does relationship satisfaction, underscoring the role of AI in enhancing emotional aspects of romantic relationships.</p> 2025-02-20T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Michelle Angel Saga, Jhemaree Pearl Cabugwason , Maria Isabel Cabusas, Aizee Grace Camilo, Vanessa Daugdaug, Maria Luz Rosales , Kaiser Kate Sacay , Marian Joy Batiancila The Philosophy of Circular Statistical Thinking in Human Cognition, Temporal Constructs & Anthropological Studies 2024-11-02T14:29:49-05:00 DEBASHIS CHATTERJEE Subhrajit Saha <p>Circular statistical thinking addresses data that exhibit periodicity or directionality, such as angles, times, or compass bearings, and finds broad applications across the social and natural sciences, especially relevant for interdisciplinary fields exploring the cyclical nature of cultural rituals, seasonal festivals, migratory patterns, and human cognition. This research aims to bridge the gap between circular statistical methods and philosophical-anthropological inquiries. The objectives are: (1) to examine philosophical underpinnings of cyclicity in human thought, (2) to apply circular statistical frameworks in anthropological analyses of recurring cultural and social behaviors, and (3) to illustrate how periodicity shapes human cognition and cultural organization. Employing an interdisciplinary methodology, we integrate philosophical reasoning with statistical modeling tailored for circular data. We carry out simulation based case studies and theoretical demonstrations to showcase how circular statistics (e.g., von Mises distribution, phase synchronization) can elucidate periodic behaviors in cultural contexts. Our findings demonstrate that circular statistical thinking offers robust quantitative tools for analyzing cyclical human activities, from seasonal and ritual practices to social synchronization. By highlighting mean directions, dispersion, and synchronization metrics, we reveal how periodic structures inform social cohesion and collective identities. This approach contributes new perspectives on the interplay between statistical modeling, human cognition, and cultural evolution, extending the applicability of circular statistics to broader inquiries into human nature and culture.</p> 2025-02-18T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2025 DEBASHIS CHATTERJEE, Mr Subhrajit Saha Universal Ethics and Human Cultural Values through the Teachings of Gautama Buddha: Some Observations from the Perspective of Philosophical Anthropology 2025-01-15T04:34:52-06:00 Abhijit Das Dora Mitra <p>Philosophical Anthropology is one of the subfields of Social-Cultural Anthropology. Social-Cultural Anthropology is the holistic, comparative and integrated study of society and culture in and space. Ethics as well as universal ethics and allied social values are considered as the ideal cultural patters under the preview of cultural universals in Anthropology. Buddhism is a missionary salvation religion, as taught by the Lord Buddha in the North Indian Gangetic plain in the sixth and the early fifth centuries BC, on the domain of universal ethics and human values Hence it becomes a concern as a religious system in the field of anthropology of Religion. The data gained from the information on the prime objectives of the present study have been readily analyzed with conventional qualitative technique as a whole. The present paper aims to observe Buddha’s teachings on human universal ethics and socio-cultural values as exemplary philosopher from the perspective of cultural as well as philosophical anthropology. His philosophy as the world of the people of the sixth century BC was a practical and applied one to live wisely it also highlights. His four Noble Truths and Eight-fold path fake for promoting social ethics and individual values</p> 2025-01-15T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Abhijit Das, Dora Mitra Dasein as a Human Being “Fallen”, “Thrown-into-the-world” and a Being-in-the-world with others A Means through a Genuine Transformation 2025-02-23T22:10:50-06:00 Wilson Miasco <p>This paper highlights the importance of <em>being</em> as Dasein in the world because it manifests the meaning of his existence. However, this paper is very relevant regarding topicality because it highly concerns the means and purpose of his existence in this world. Dasein, as a human being, <em>Fallen</em> and <em>Thrown-into-the-world</em> together with others, provides a unique form of presentation with the other created individual because it leads them to act and to become an authentic agent in the society. Moreover, this paper aims to lead the individual to know that their <em>thrownness</em> in the world is merely subjective and is always concerned with purpose and meaning. A human being is always aiming for freedom. A Danish Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard always points out that “<em>Life can only be understood backward: but it must be lived forwards</em>” he said that in exploring human life we should know how to evaluate the existential parts of our existence in which Kierkegaard always said that we need to have the stage of life. According to him, this stage will lead us to the existential truth because, in each of these stages, a human being reflects and strives until he knows the value of his existence. However, Martin Heidegger interprets liberty through the amendment of Dasein which can be firmly achieved in every living of the <em>being</em> in the world. Dasein encounters and experiences a lot in his life when he is in the world where present-at-hand is accompanied using his inquiry every day. Lastly, methodology should integrate both philosophical analysis and existential inquiry, as well as possibly drawing from psychological and sociological perspectives to explore the human condition. The study seeks to analyze these existential conditions through the lens of Heideggerian philosophy, while also considering their implications for individual authenticity, personal growth, and social connection in contemporary society. To fully comprehend the discussion, the researcher employs questions to determine such explanations for Heidegger’s philosophical works.</p> 2025-02-22T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Wilson Miasco Legality of Employing Artificial Intelligence for Writing Academic Papers in Education 2025-01-28T21:44:21-06:00 Konstantinos T. Kotsis <p>Including artificial intelligence (AI) in academic writing has spurred a critical review of its ethical and legal ramifications in learning environments. As companies embrace AI tools like ChatGPT, questions about authorship, intellectual property, and academic integrity have become central concerns that need careful examination, as institutions do. This paper explores the changing definition of AI and its ability to execute tasks usually connected with human intelligence, generating serious ques-tions about originality and ethical standards in academic work. The conversation emphasizes the need for educational institutions to create explicit structures that handle the complexity of AI-assisted writing preserving academic integrity and encouraging creative ideas. Underlined in the paper are ethical conundrums created by AI-generated content, especially concerning openness, accuracy, and bias potential. It questions who owns AI-generated works and how conventional ideas of creative agency must be reassessed because of these developments, so challenging the muddy waters of authorship and intellectual property rights. Beyond only legal concerns, the implications of AI’s presence in academic writing force a review of pedagogical approaches and the possible effects on critical thinking and independent research skills among students. In the end, this work supports a sensible strategy that welcomes AI’s transforming power while protecting the fundamental values of academic integrity and rigor. It asks teachers, lawyers, and legislators to work together to negotiate AI’s complex legal terrain in academia so that the educational experience stays strong and morally sound for the next generations.</p> 2025-01-28T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Konstantinos T. Kotsis