EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods https://journals.eikipub.com/index.php/jetm <p><strong>ISSN <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2755-399X">2755-399X</a></strong></p> <p><strong>EIKI "Journal of </strong><strong>Effective Teaching Methods" (JETM)</strong> is a peer-reviewed international academic journal, the main purpose of which is to reveal current issues of methodology and didactics, theory and practice of teaching, theory, and practice of upbringing, theory, and methodology of professional training, formation of professional competence, modern teaching technologies and methods and other aspects of pedagogical science.</p> <p>The journal is designated for academics, educators, post-graduate students, practitioners, counselors, and coaches who deal with teaching or conduct research in the field of teaching.</p> en-US editor@eikipub.com (Nataliya Bhinder ) journals@eikipub.com (Dr. Preet SB) Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0500 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Proposed Framework for enhancing Intercultural Communicative Competence in Bangladeshi ELT textbooks https://journals.eikipub.com/index.php/jetm/article/view/168 <p>In an attempt to address the commercial, instrumental, and generalizing aspects of the <em>English for Today (EfT) </em>textbook series, the official ELT textbooks locally produced for Class 1-12, this paper proposes an intercultural communicative framework for their construction and improvement. This framework builds on the elements of previous recommended frameworks from different nations, incorporating essential elements that are crucial in the Bangladeshi context. This study seeks to make clear which components of ELT textbooks should be added in order to enhance Bangladeshi students’ intercultural and communicative competencies based on the shortcoming of the present <em>English for Today</em> textbooks. The framework suggests the textbook should be divided into sections such as pre-text, text, images, and post-text activities. Here the pre-text should be based on knowledge, abridged extracts or authentic texts need to be included from multicultural contexts aligned with comprehensive images and finally post-text activities are intended to develop skills, attitudes and cultural awareness. The authors clearly outlined the roles of the teachers, students, and potential threats in every step of pre-text, text, images, and post-text exercises. To our knowledge, such type of framework has not yet been prepared or published for ELT textbooks in Bangladesh.</p> Massrura Mostafa, Rubaiyat Copyright (c) 2024 Massrura Mostafa, Rubaiyat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journals.eikipub.com/index.php/jetm/article/view/168 Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Research on kindergarten and primary school students’ magnetic misconceptions and how to plan educational activities https://journals.eikipub.com/index.php/jetm/article/view/124 <p class="EIKIabstractKeywords">Because magnetism is such an abstract and complicated subject, it can be challenging for children to comprehend at times. Magnetism is a subject that youngsters find to be really exciting. The topic of magnetism is one that children find to be both fascinating and fascinating. There has not been nearly as much research done on how children perceive magnetism as there has been on other natural phenomena. This is even though youngsters consider magnetism to be something that is exciting. Despite the fact that children perceive magnetism to be more attractive than other natural phenomena, this is the case. This particular piece of research is regarded as an important piece of re-search owing to the fact that it has an impact on the way in which learning is experienced. The goal of this study is to analyze the misconceptions that are held by children who are enrolled in elementary school. The research will be conducted with the intention of providing teachers with a theoretical framework upon which they can construct educational activities that are relevant to the requirements of primary school pupils. The ability to construct educational activities that are pertinent to the requirements of elementary school kids will be made possible as a result of this innovation.</p> Vasiliki Samara, Konstantinos T. Kotsis Copyright (c) 2024 Vasiliki Samara, Konstantinos T. Kotsis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journals.eikipub.com/index.php/jetm/article/view/124 Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Improving Algebraic Thinking and Productive Desire among a Training Program Based on (TPACK) Model in Jordan https://journals.eikipub.com/index.php/jetm/article/view/172 <p>The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a training program based on (TPACK- Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) model in improved algebraic thinking and productive disposition among female Primary school teachers. the guide for the training program and study tools was prepared, ensured their validity and stability, an available sample was selected from the schools of Jerash Kasbah of the Directorate of Education of Jerash Governorate, consisted of (36) mathematics teachers, divided into two groups: one experimental consisted of (18) teachers trained according to (TPACK) model, and the other was a control teacher consisted of (18) teachers who did not undergo training. Results showed statistically significant differences on the algebraic thinking test between the members of the control and experimental groups, and in favor of the experimental group that was trained according to the model, also showed that training according to (TPACK) model improved the level of performance of the experimental group mathematics teachers on the productive disposition scale, and raised their performance to an expert level. one of which is need to change the pattern of training programs directed to teachers within specific mathematics content, and apply integrative teaching models that enhance content, pedagogy and enhanced technology.</p> Nabeela Otoum, Ali M. Alzoubi Copyright (c) 2024 Nabeela Otoum, Ali M. Alzoubi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journals.eikipub.com/index.php/jetm/article/view/172 Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Artificial Intelligence Helps Primary School Teachers to Plan and Execute Physics Classroom Experiments https://journals.eikipub.com/index.php/jetm/article/view/158 <p>The research claims that artificial intelligence technologies can help and direct primary school teachers in organising classroom experiments for physics instruction. Educators now have the potential to construct experimental projects that are entertaining and efficient, all while catering to their students’ many learning styles and capabilities. This is made possible by the availability of artificial intelligence technologies. The incorporation of artificial intelligence into educational settings may result in an improvement in the overall quality of teaching as well as an improvement in the scientific performance of students. The chance to improve the learning experience for both students and teachers is available to educators who do an in-depth study on artificial intelligence-driven teaching solutions. The research highlights how artificial intelligence can transform teaching approaches in elementary school, notably in the field of physics education within the context of primary school settings.</p> Konstantinos T. Kotsis Copyright (c) 2024 Konstantinos T. Kotsis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journals.eikipub.com/index.php/jetm/article/view/158 Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0500