The electronic government implementation model in the Republic of Korea based on the theory of planned behavior TPB

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AmanAllah Fayed


This paper explains that the theory of planned behavior is a theoretical framework that explains the factors that affect the intention of the person which will affect his behavior. These factors are the attitude toward the behavior, the subjective norm, and the perceived behavioral control. Ajzen depended on Bandura’s self-efficacy theory which changed it to the perceived behavioral control. That tells more about the capability of the individual from the available resources and the possibilities of him to be able to proceed with a behavior. The research objective deals with the fact that Ajzen (1991) criticizes the technology acceptance model TAM theory applied in social science, he said that it does not provide the extendibility element in the research that needs to explain more about the usefulness elements. Therefore, other researchers advocated for the implantation of the TPB theory of planned behavior to be able to apply the extendibility element in the research of the electronic government field. In the domain of explaining human behavior the theory of planning behavior indicates a good direction in this field of explaining and understanding human behavior. Recently, technology has become a main factor in social science, here to discuss the government to citizens providing services G2C electronic government initiatives. Most of the research depends on the technology acceptance model TAM, and UTAT theories to explain the effect of the technology in the electronic government implementation. Most of the research about the Republic of Korea’ electronic government implements the technology acceptance model TAM theory and other theories. The results indicate that most foreigners are very familiar with the internet in their home countries more than they are with the electronic government in their home countries. Therefore, the Republic of Korean’ lifestyle made foreigners more familiar with the electronic government portal. The last general question is about whether to use the electronic government portal in Republic of Korea or not according to the yes or no answers are 78%, 22%.


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How to Cite
Fayed, A. (2023). The electronic government implementation model in the Republic of Korea based on the theory of planned behavior TPB. Journal of Contemporary Philosophical and Anthropological Studies, 1(2).
Research Articles


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