Attitudes of University Students in Afghanistan Toward Cultural Factors of Gender Inequality

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Mohammad Taqi Taqaddausi
Mohammad Fazel Akbary
Shir Hussain Behzad


Gender inequality is the product of society and culture that has significant impacts on the status and positions of human, based on their gender. The purpose of this study is to find out the underlying cultural that are responsible for gender inequality in Bamyan society. Data have been collected through the attitude of totally 363 respondents, among 130 female and 233 male university students in Bamyan, Afghanistan. Logistic regression technique through Stata version 14.1, have been used to analyze the likelihood of respondents on cultural factors. Our finding based on socio-demographic information of respondent, shows that male respondents compared to female are 99% more likely believes that cultural factors are behind gender inequality in Bamyan society, Afghanistan and an increase in years of education and age of respondents, decreases the likelihood of attitude that cultural factors are behind gender inequality in Bamyan society, Afghanistan. Also, Respondents who were married compared to unmarried and who were students of natural science and social science faculty compared to education faculty are more likely to believe that the above cultural factors are responsible for gender inequality status in Bamyan. finally, the present study suggests that patriarchal ideology, religious beliefs, gender stereotypes and traditional beliefs respectively are behind the status of gender inequality in Bamyan society, Afghanistan.


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How to Cite
Taqaddausi, M. T., Akbary, M. F., & Behzad, S. H. (2023). Attitudes of University Students in Afghanistan Toward Cultural Factors of Gender Inequality. Journal of Contemporary Philosophical and Anthropological Studies, 1(2).
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Mohammad Taqi Taqaddausi, Bamyan University

Assistant Professor at Sociology Department, Bamyan University, social and gender equality activist.

Mohammad Fazel Akbary, Bamyan University

Assistant Professor at Sociology Department, Bamyan University,social and cultural activist.

Shir Hussain Behzad, Bamyan University

Student at Sociology Department, Bamyan University.


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