The Queerification and Effeminization of Haitian Society

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Paul C. Mocombe


This article applies Mocombe’s concepts of queerification and effeminization to Haitian society, contemporarily. For Mocombe, the shift from industrial capitalism to postindustrial capitalism in the West has led to emasculated and feminine patriarchy, the assumption of patriarchal norms by the state, its ideological apparatuses, queers, and women (given the feminization and queerification of the postindustrial – financialized – workplace) from individual men whose masculinity is no longer associated with being producer and provider as it was under industrial capitalism; instead, they have been interpellated and embourgeoised, like their female counterparts, to define their masculinity as sensitive entrepreneurs, consumers, and or service workers for finance capital, i.e., rentier oligarchs. In the Black diaspora, this process has led to the queerification and effeminization of society as global capital under American hegemony queerify and effeminize the diaspora by promoting queers and women into the labor force at the expense of men and young boys who are either gangsterized or trained for the athletic and entertainment industries.


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Mocombe , P. C. (2023). The Queerification and Effeminization of Haitian Society. Journal of Contemporary Philosophical and Anthropological Studies, 1(2).
Conceptual Article


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