The ways of Improvement for the Livelihood approaches of Persons with Disabilities: A case study on Kachia, Bhola Sadar

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Mazed Parvez
Syed Tanim Ahmed


A person with disabilities faces difficulties throughout their life. From the very early stages of life, they found themselves facing challenges due to the social structure and financial condition of our county. The Bangladesh government is now launching various initiatives to improve the lives of people with disabilities. As well as several NGOs and INGOs working for the development and inclusion of people with disabilities in different sectors, this paper is about identifying the challenges and limitations of their services and trying to find ways out for possible solutions to solve those shortcomings. Bhola is an area where disaster is also an issue that affects human life. In a survey of 285 households, 53% were persons with disabilities. The average family size was 5, with 65% literacy. Community structures like Union Parishad Members (54%) and Child Clubs (30%) were prominent. Education findings revealed 24% had knowledge for small businesses. 21% of families with disabilities had adequate resources, and 6% of health professionals enhanced skills. Inclusive education knowledge increased for 20%, with 20% of trained teachers adapting methods. Disaster risk reduction training improved skills for 19%. Regarding climate-related risks, 23% of persons with disabilities reported adoption measures. Overall, the study focuses on enhancing inclusivity, education, and disaster resilience among persons with disabilities. A person's disability becomes more difficult during a disaster. Education and health services are required for the improvement of the lives of people with disabilities. Simultaneously, conditions during disasters were a major focus of this research. Self-help groups and connections with local NGOs/INGOs will be beneficial. Government service linkage and access to information will be helpful for the person with a disability. This study aims at identifying potential ways to improve the lives of people with disabilities and to find ways to increase their employment opportunities in the community.


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How to Cite
Parvez, M., & Syed Tanim Ahmed. (2023). The ways of Improvement for the Livelihood approaches of Persons with Disabilities: A case study on Kachia, Bhola Sadar. Journal of Contemporary Philosophical and Anthropological Studies, 1(2).
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