We do not charge any article processing fee

Welcome to the "Annals of Innovation in Medicine," a reputable and ethical academic publisher dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge across various disciplines. We take pride in our commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for researchers to share their high-quality research findings with the global scientific community.

Our Ethical Standards:

At "Annals of Innovation in Medicine," we uphold the highest ethical standards in scholarly publishing. We firmly believe in transparency and fairness throughout the publication process. Our core principles include:

  1. No Article Processing Fees: We are pleased to inform our esteemed authors that we do not charge any article processing fees. We are dedicated to removing financial barriers that might hinder the dissemination of valuable research.

  2. No Hidden Publication Fees: Transparency is paramount to us. There are no hidden costs or publication fees associated with publishing your work in our journal. We want to ensure that the research we publish remains accessible to a wide audience without any undue financial burden.

  3. Commitment to Ethical Publishing: We adhere to the highest standards of ethical publishing. Our editorial team and reviewers maintain rigorous peer-review processes to ensure the quality and integrity of the articles we publish. We strictly follow guidelines to prevent plagiarism, data manipulation, and any other forms of unethical behavior.

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Our Expectations:

While we do not charge publication fees, we expect authors to meet certain standards to maintain the quality of our journal:

  1. High-Quality Research Articles: We invite authors to submit original, well-researched, and scientifically sound articles that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

  2. Adherence to Ethical Guidelines: Authors should adhere to ethical guidelines, including proper citation, avoidance of plagiarism, and full disclosure of conflicts of interest. We expect the highest level of academic integrity from all contributors.

  3. Thorough Peer Review: All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring that only the highest quality research is published. Authors are expected to be responsive to reviewers' comments and address any revisions or suggestions promptly.

  4. Timely Communication: We encourage open and timely communication with our editorial team. Authors should respond promptly to queries, revisions, and notifications throughout the publication process.

  5. Engagement with the Research Community: Authors are encouraged to actively engage with the scientific community by sharing their research findings, participating in discussions, and promoting knowledge dissemination.

At "Annals of Innovation in Medicine," we are dedicated to providing a platform for researchers to showcase their valuable contributions to their fields. We look forward to receiving your high-quality research articles and contributing to the advancement of knowledge together.

  • Reasons to publish with us?
  • CrossRef Member
  • DOI provided
  • Highly supportive editors
  • Excellent proof-reading team
  • Well indexed Journal