The The Prevalence of Kidd, Lewis, ABO and RhD blood group systems in diabetic patients attending RSUTH
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Aim: This study is aimed at determining the prevalence of Kidd, Lewis, ABO and RhD blood group systems in diabetic patients attending RSUTH.
Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Rivers State University Teaching Hospital (RSUTH), and 75 diabetic subjects (30-98 years) was recruited for this study, 5mls of blood was collected using standard venipuncture technique from each subject. Blood grouping were determined manually The presence of ABO, Rh D, Lewis, and Kidd blood group system was examined using Anti-ABO, anti-D, anti-Lea and Leb, anti-Jka and Jkb monoclonal antibody, respectively (Lorne Laboratories). Data generated were analyzed by simple percentage calculation.
Result: In this study the distribution pattern of ABO blood group among subjects with diabetes mellitus was in the other of O>A>B>AB (45.3%, 30.7%, 21.3% and 2.7% correspondingly), for Rh blood group system is Rh+> Rh- (95.3% and 4.7%). Also in this study, no subjects was tested Jka+ and Jkb+, the distribution pattern among diabetic groups the distribution of Kidd blood group antigens is Jka+>Jkb+> Jkb- >Jka-is (100%, 94.7%, 5.3%, 0.00 ) respectively. Distribution of Lewis antigens in this study showed the following sequence for diabetes subjects is Leb+>Lea+>Lea->Leb- (81.3%, 60.0%, 40.0%, 18.7%).
Conclusion: Le a and Le b in this population was observed frequently than those in other population previously reported We therefore recommend that routine typing of Lewis blood group system should be done.
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