Sustainable development of transport infrastructure in the system of national economy

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Waqar Bénichou


This research article investigates the sustainable development of transport infrastructure within the national economy, emphasizing the critical intersection of economic growth, environmental responsibility, and social equity. The study explores theoretical frameworks and practical approaches employed in the planning, implementation, and management of sustainable transport systems. The role of integrated transportation planning, multimodal systems, green infrastructure, and smart technologies is analyzed to assess their impact on reducing congestion, minimizing emissions, and enhancing overall accessibility. Examining the effectiveness of public-private partnerships, regulatory measures, and community engagement, the research delves into the challenges and opportunities associated with achieving sustainable transport infrastructure. Additionally, the article explores the significance of smart traffic management systems, fleet modernization, and incentives for environmentally friendly modes of transportation. The regulatory measures and standards implemented to guide sustainable practices are scrutinized, focusing on their role in shaping a transportation landscape that aligns with broader sustainability objectives. The findings aim to provide insights for policymakers, urban planners, and researchers, offering a comprehensive perspective on the complex dynamics involved in fostering a sustainable transport infrastructure system within the national economy.

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How to Cite
Bénichou , W. (2024). Sustainable development of transport infrastructure in the system of national economy. Journal of Economics, Innovative Management and Entrepreneurship, 1(1).
Research Article


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