Implementation of international project management at the educational establishment

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Santosh Dalal
Charun Shaan


This research article concerns the critical domain of the implementation of international project management within educational establishments. Recognizing the transformative potential of global engagement, the study centers on the development and execution of a comprehensive internationalization strategy. A nuanced exploration of the role of strong leadership and governance structures serves as a focal point, emphasizing the necessity of visionary leadership and transparent governance for successful international project management initiatives. The research underscores the strategic importance of a dedicated international office or department, acting as a central hub for expertise, coordination, and oversight in the complex landscape of cross-cultural collaboration. Furthermore, the study examines the integration of a global mindset among stakeholders, emphasizing the infusion of international perspectives into the curriculum and the facilitation of student and faculty mobility. Technological integration emerges as a pivotal enabler, balancing advancements with the need for flexibility in diverse technological landscapes. The findings of this research offer a comprehensive framework for educational establishments seeking to navigate the dynamic challenges and opportunities associated with international project management. The insights presented contribute to the broader discourse on globalizing education and position educational institutions to excel in an interconnected and interdependent world.

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How to Cite
Dalal, S., & Shaan, C. (2024). Implementation of international project management at the educational establishment. Journal of Economics, Innovative Management and Entrepreneurship, 1(1).
Research Article


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