The use of modern technologies to form professional culture among future management specialists

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Vuk Pavlović


This research article investigates the transformative impact of modern technologies on the development of professional culture among emerging management specialists. In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the integration of digital tools, artificial intelligence, and virtual platforms is reshaping the landscape of management education and professional practice. This study employs a multi-faceted approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, to explore how technology influences the values, communication patterns, and decision-making processes within the professional culture of future management specialists. The research delves into the evolving dynamics of leadership values in the digital age and the extent to which technology-driven communication patterns shape the interactions among management professionals. Furthermore, it examines the impact of digital tools on decision-making autonomy, risk tolerance, and collaborative practices within management teams. The study also explores the role of technology in fostering continuous learning and professional development, considering the influence of online platforms, virtual mentorship programs, and adaptive learning technologies. Findings from this research contribute valuable insights to academia and industry, shedding light on the symbiotic relationship between modern technologies and the formation of professional culture among future management specialists. As organizations increasingly rely on digital solutions, understanding the nuances of this relationship becomes imperative for educators, practitioners, and policymakers seeking to cultivate a dynamic and adaptive management workforce.

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How to Cite
Pavlović, V. (2024). The use of modern technologies to form professional culture among future management specialists . Journal of Economics, Innovative Management and Entrepreneurship, 1(1).
Research Article


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