Models and strategies for implementation of social responsibility in modern enterprises

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Adhira Pradha
Taarush More
Maandavid Prasad


As contemporary enterprises navigate the complex landscape of global business, the imperative to embrace and effectively manage social responsibility has become paramount. This research article delves into the multifaceted dimensions of social responsibility within modern enterprises, exploring the evolving role of businesses in addressing societal and environmental challenges. The study employs a comprehensive review of existing literature, case analyses, and empirical investigations to illuminate the strategies and frameworks employed by enterprises in managing their social responsibility. The first section analyses the theoretical foundations of social responsibility management, emphasizing the evolving perspectives and conceptual frameworks that guide corporate behavior. It critically evaluates the integration of ethical considerations, stakeholder engagement, and sustainable business practices within the broader context of social responsibility. The second section investigates the practical implementation of social responsibility initiatives across diverse industries. The article examines successful models and identifies common challenges faced by enterprises in aligning their operations with socially responsible practices. It analyzes the impact of such initiatives on corporate reputation, stakeholder relations, and overall business performance. This research article contributes to the existing body of knowledge by offering theoretical insights, practical implications, and future considerations for businesses seeking to navigate the dynamic landscape of social responsibility.

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How to Cite
Pradha, A., More, T., & Prasad, M. (2024). Models and strategies for implementation of social responsibility in modern enterprises . Journal of Economics, Innovative Management and Entrepreneurship, 1(1).
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