Study Assessing Port Harcourt Superstores' Contributions to Sustainable Development Goals via Consumer Waste Management Behaviours
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Waste management particularly in Port Harcourt, poses a significant challenge due to the generation of refuse from domestic, commercial, and industrial sources. Globally, superstores generate substantial amounts and diverse types of waste daily, necessitating environmentally friendly practices to align with sustainable development goals. Consumers’ environmental consciousness significantly shapes their shopping and consumption habits. This study aims to evaluate consumer awareness of sustainable development goals (SDGs) related to waste management in Port Harcourt’s superstores and assess consumer involvement in waste management practices during shopping. Employing a descriptive approach, quantitative data was collected through a random sampling method via questionnaires from 112 participants. The tools used were validated, with Statistical Package for Social Science version 26 employed for analysis, encompassing frequencies, percentages, chi-square, and Spearman correlation. The study rejected the null hypothesis, revealing a significant association between consumer awareness of SDGs in waste management and various socio-demographic factors, indicating that heightened awareness correlates with increased engagement. Notably, environmental consciousness drives participation in waste management activities. Importantly, the study underscores that consumer knowledge and awareness, particularly concerning plastic packaging waste, significantly influence waste reduction efforts, indicating the pivotal role of stakeholders, especially superstores, in communicating information and fostering consumer engagement for environmental sustainability.
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