Analysis of Economic Development on West Coast Regency, Indonesia, based on Location Quotient (LQ) and Shift Share (SS)
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The research conducted in the West Coastal Regency, Lampung province, Indonesia, aimed to determine the base sector and analyze the district’s economic performance for strategic development. The study used Location Quotient (LQ) and Shift Share (SS) analysis tools and identified agriculture, forestry, and fisheries as sectors with high LQ scores. The Shift Share (SS) analysis revealed positive performance in five industries, with education, health, and social activities being the basis for development. The development planning in the West Coastal Regency in Lampung province can focus on the Development of Maritime Agroecotourism considering the potential of existing natural resources. The results of the location quotient (LQ) and shift share (SS) analysis can guide regional development planning and improve people’s living standards through community participation and government and private sector support.
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