Post Flood Economic Challenges; Resilience and Rehabilitation Strategies With Thematic Analysis Approach. A Case of Larkana

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Mukaram Azhar
Athar Hussain Soomro
Zeeshan Azhar
Sateesh Kumar


Climate change has exacerbated the frequency and severity of floods, leading to devastating impacts worldwide. Pakistan has seen two catastrophic floods in recent years; at present, the full extent of the consequences of these calamities is still not fully acknowledged. Scarcity of water, rise in temperature, and floods are some cruel consequences that Pakistan has to bear. Floods may lead to huge economic problems not only for people in general but also for the communities. For instance, the condition of flooding in Larkana, which is the province where the agricultural activities are too much, could bring about financial and mental health problems. To tackle this research gap, this study implemented a qualitative research approach and conducted a thematic analysis to explore the economic challenges encountered in the Larkana region as a result of floods. Theme analysis is a method by which the researcher finds the sequential patterns in the data. Thus, the researcher is able to point out the issues that people face in reality. Resilient plans and rehabilitation measures can contribute to the solutions to these challenges, varying from immediate recovery to sustainable development. A multifaceted plan that encompasses immediate rescue operations and strengthening of resilience is a must. Social cohesion, environmental protection measures and governance issues are most relevant for the effective economic recovery after floods. The economic regeneration strategy in flood-prone areas must address complex issues to ensure local resilience and preparedness for the coming years.

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How to Cite
Azhar, M., Soomro, A. H., Azhar, Z., & Kumar, S. (2024). Post Flood Economic Challenges; Resilience and Rehabilitation Strategies With Thematic Analysis Approach. A Case of Larkana. Journal of Economics, Innovative Management and Entrepreneurship, 2(2).
Research Article


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