Impact of Capital Flight on The Growth of Nigeria’s Economy: 1980-2021

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Oluwafemi Amos


This study examines the impact of capital flight on the growth of Nigeria’s Economy over the period 1980-2021 using the OLS method of estimation. Descriptive statistic, trend analysis, ADF unit root were firstly done and it was indicated that all the variables were stationary at level and first difference I(0) and I(1). The ARDL cointegration revealed that capital flight has significant relationship with economic growth and inversely related both in short-run and long-run. External debt (-2.61) and (-0.23) has negative impact on the growth of Nigeria economy both in the short-run and long-run respectively. Insecurity (1.42) and (-13.04) has negative impact of growth of Nigeria’s economy and is statistically significant both in short-run and long-run. More so, exchange rate (-0.07) was negatively related with growth and statistically significant in short-run but (0.023) positive related in the long-run. External reserves (-0.0005) and (-0.0001) also has negative impact on growth of Nigeria’s economy both in short-run and long-run respectively. ARDL model reparameterized into Error Correction Model revealed the long-run equilibrium was corrected in the current period at an adjustment speed of 79%, statistically significant and negatively signed. Based on the findings, it was recommended that federal government should include favourable economic policies, ensuring political stability and institutional developments. Also, government is expected to execute policies that will advance the level of gross domestic product growth in Nigeria.

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How to Cite
Amos, O. (2025). Impact of Capital Flight on The Growth of Nigeria’s Economy: 1980-2021. Journal of Economics, Innovative Management and Entrepreneurship, 3(1).
Research Article


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