Renal Fornix Rupture Due To Acute Ureteral Obstruction

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João Marco Braz Scarpa Mariano Pereira
Luiz Carlos Maciel
José Vitor Santos Gomes
Leonardo de Oliveira Antunes
Guilherme Diego de Oliveira Barbosa
Lucas De Souza Gomes


Background: Renal fornix rupture with fluid extravasation is a rare complication in cases of ureteral obstruction, which is usually caused by obstructive ureterolithiasis. The symptoms of renal fornix rupture are not very specific and can easily go unnoticed due to their underlying cause.

Case representation: The present article reports a case of a patient of a 70-year-old, male, who was diagnosed with a ruptured renal fornix due to acute ureteral obstruction, following clinical assessment and a non-contrast CT scan. The proposed course of action was the endoscopic placement of a double J ureteral catheter.

Conclusion: In the case described, the conservative treatment that was chosen by passing a double J catheter through the left ureter, for the patient proved to be an alternative to surgical treatment in the acute event, reducing the risk of possible complications from the operation. It was possible to conclude that although renal fornix rupture is a rare emergency with multiple etiologies, conservative treatment with urinary diversion using a double J ureteral stent was effective in solving the patient's acute condition.


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How to Cite
Braz Scarpa Mariano Pereira, J. M., Carlos Maciel, L., Santos Gomes, J. V., Antunes, L. de O., Barbosa, G. D. de O., & De Souza Gomes, L. (2024). Renal Fornix Rupture Due To Acute Ureteral Obstruction. Annals of Innovation in Medicine, 2(2).
Case Studies


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