Ureteral duplicity in a female patient with renal calculus in left UVJ, a case report.

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João Marco Braz Scarpa Mariano Pereira
Lucas De Souza Gomes
Guilherme Diego de Oliveira Barbosa
Leonardo de Oliveira Antunes
Rodrigo Duarte Berdun Silva
Otavio Cabral Coelho
Isabella Siqueira Vilela de Oliveira
Luiz Carlos Maciel
Rafael Spada Rebechi


Abstract: The ureters are tubular, bilateral, unique structures for each kidney, responsible for draining the urine collected in the renal pelvis to the bladder, so that it can later be eliminated. Ureteral duplication can be described as an abnormal urologic entity, with a frequency reported in 0.3 to 3% of the population. This anomaly is caused by the formation of double ureteral buds, which, in turn, form into separate structures and develop and form their own individual pelvic systems. A duplicated ureter is a result of early division of the ureteral bud into two or more completely or incomplete forms. Its diagnosis, for the most part, occurs incidentally, usually through imaging tests or even during surgery.

The objective of this study is to report a case of incomplete ureteral duplication and to highlight the type of treatment performed in the face of obstruction due to lithiasis.


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How to Cite
Braz Scarpa Mariano Pereira, J. M., De Souza Gomes, L., Barbosa, G. D. de O., Antunes, L. de O., Silva, R. D. B., Coelho, O. C., Oliveira, I. S. V. de, Carlos Maciel, L., & Spada Rebechi, R. (2024). Ureteral duplicity in a female patient with renal calculus in left UVJ, a case report. Annals of Innovation in Medicine, 2(3). https://doi.org/10.59652/aim.v2i3.222
Case Studies


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