Appeals Process

At the EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, we adhere to the highest ethical publishing standards and follow the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We are committed to ensuring that all appeals are handled fairly, transparently, and promptly.

How to Submit an Appeal

If you wish to appeal a decision made regarding your manuscript, please follow these steps:

  1. Prepare Your Appeal: Write a detailed letter explaining the reasons for your appeal. Include specific points that you believe were overlooked or misunderstood during the review process.

  2. Submission of Appeal: Send your appeal letter via email to the editorial office at Please include your manuscript ID, title, and the names of the reviewers if applicable.

  3. Initial Review: Upon receipt, the editorial office will acknowledge your appeal and forward it to the Editor-in-Chief for an initial review to determine if it meets the criteria for further consideration.

  4. Full Review: If deemed appropriate, the Editor-in-Chief will assign your appeal to an independent editorial board member or a new set of reviewers with expertise in the manuscript's subject area. This review will focus on the points raised in your appeal letter.

  5. Decision: The Editor-in-Chief, after considering the recommendations from the independent review, will make a final decision. You will receive a detailed response outlining the reasons for the decision.

  6. Finality: The decision made after the appeal is final. No further appeals will be considered.

Principles and Standards

  • Transparency: All appeals are handled transparently, with clear communication at each step of the process.
  • Fairness: Appeals are reviewed by independent members to ensure unbiased consideration.
  • Timeliness: We aim to process appeals as quickly as possible, typically within 4-6 weeks.
  • Confidentiality: All information related to the appeal is kept confidential and shared only with those directly involved in the review process.

We value your contributions and are committed to maintaining a fair and ethical publication process. For any questions regarding the appeals process, please contact us at