Open Access Policy

The EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods is dedicated to the principles of open access to scholarly research. We believe that freely available research promotes the advancement of knowledge, facilitates greater dissemination, and enhances the impact of academic work. This document outlines our open access policy, ensuring transparency and accessibility for authors, reviewers, and readers.

Open Access Principles

  1. Free Access to Research: All articles published in the EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods are freely available to readers worldwide immediately upon publication. There are no subscription fees or paywalls.

  2. Licensing and Copyright: Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. This allows authors to retain copyright while permitting others to share, use, and build upon the work, provided proper attribution is given to the original author(s).

  3. Archiving and Preservation: To ensure long-term preservation and accessibility, all published articles are archived in recognized repositories and databases. This guarantees that research remains available to the scholarly community indefinitely.

Benefits of Open Access

  1. Increased Visibility and Impact: Open access articles are accessible to a global audience, leading to higher readership, increased citations, and greater impact of the research.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Freely available research fosters collaboration among researchers, educators, practitioners, and policymakers, driving innovation and development in various fields.
  3. Public Access: Open access ensures that research findings are accessible to the public, including students, educators, and professionals who may not have access to subscription-based journals.
  4. Compliance with Funder Policies: Many funding agencies mandate that research outputs be openly accessible. Our open access policy ensures compliance with these requirements.

Commitment to Ethical Publishing

The EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods adheres to the highest ethical standards in publishing. We follow guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to ensure integrity, transparency, and accountability in our editorial processes.

  1. Peer Review: All submissions undergo a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and validity of the research.
  2. Transparency: We maintain transparency in our operations, including clear communication of our open access policy, editorial decisions, and any associated costs.
  3. Ethical Standards: We are committed to ethical publishing practices, including the prevention of plagiarism, data fabrication, and other forms of research misconduct.

How to Access Our Research

All articles published in the EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods can be accessed directly through our journal’s website. Readers can search, download, and share articles freely, supporting the dissemination of knowledge and fostering academic discourse.

For any questions or further information regarding our open access policy, please contact us at We are committed to supporting the global academic community through open and unrestricted access to high-quality research.