Complaints Process

The EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods is committed to upholding the highest ethical publishing standards and adheres to the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We take all complaints seriously and ensure that they are handled promptly, fairly, and transparently.

How to Submit a Complaint

If you have a complaint regarding any aspect of our journal, please follow these steps:

  1. Prepare Your Complaint: Write a detailed explanation of your complaint, including relevant information such as your name, contact details, manuscript ID (if applicable), and a clear description of the issue.

  2. Submission of Complaint: Send your complaint via email to the editorial office at Ensure that you provide all necessary details to facilitate a thorough investigation.

  3. Acknowledgment: Upon receipt, the editorial office will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and begin the initial assessment.

  4. Investigation: The complaint will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief, who will investigate the issue. This may involve consultation with relevant parties, including editorial board members, reviewers, or authors.

  5. Response: After a thorough investigation, the Editor-in-Chief will provide a written response outlining the findings and any actions taken to resolve the issue. This response will be sent within 4-6 weeks of receiving the complaint.

  6. Further Actions: If you are not satisfied with the resolution, you may request further review by an independent member of the editorial board or escalate the complaint to COPE for additional guidance.

Principles and Standards

  • Transparency: We maintain open and clear communication throughout the complaints process.
  • Fairness: Complaints are handled impartially, with all parties given a fair opportunity to present their case.
  • Timeliness: We aim to address and resolve complaints as swiftly as possible, typically within 4-6 weeks.
  • Confidentiality: All information related to the complaint is kept confidential and shared only with those directly involved in resolving the issue.

We are dedicated to maintaining a high standard of ethical practice and value your feedback. If you have any questions or need further assistance with the complaints process, please contact us at