A Study on Developing a Teaching Technique (A Sample of Learning-Teaching Process)
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The aim of this study is to develop a teaching technique or pedagogical model that allows the teacher to clearly demonstrate his/her compatibility to organize and direct their learners in a pedagogical model in which the student is at the center of learning, enjoys while learning, and a pedagogical approach through which important cognitive and democratic skills are acquired. The Coloured Street Microphone technique, as a form, was developed by being inspired by the performance of the reporters who took to the streets to get people's opinions on a certain subject, but it was built on the philosophical thinking structure of the teaching techniques (Six Hats Thinking Technique, Six Shoe Application Technique, Buzz Technique, Aquarium Technique) that make the student active in the learning process as logic. The technique consists of five stages: sharing the activity rules, yellow microphone stage, red microphone stage, blue microphone stage and general evaluation. The functionality of this technique has been tried to be demonstrated with an educational case study.
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