Challenges of Implementing Outcome-Based Assessment in Vietnamese Higher Education – A Qualitative Inquiry
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This qualitative study investigates the key challenges faced by university lecturers in implementing outcome-based assessments (OBA) in higher education institutions in Vietnam, a country currently undergoing significant educational transformation. Utilizing a qualitative research design, the study conducted semi-structured interviews with 15 lecturers from diverse academic fields in a institution. The data were thematically coded and interpreted through the lenses of Constructivism, Institutional Theory, and Diffusion of Innovations Theory. Nine major challenges emerged from the findings, including pedagogical hurdles, lack of training and resources, institutional constraints, and technological limitations. These challenges are contextualized within the existing theoretical frameworks and related literature. The study offers critical insights that are deeply rooted in cultural, institutional, and structural variables. These findings are pertinent for educators, administrators, and policymakers in Vietnam and potentially for those in similar educational settings, and they hold broader implications for professional development, institutional policies, technological infrastructure, and cultural shifts within the educational landscape.
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