Improving Algebraic Thinking and Productive Desire among a Training Program Based on (TPACK) Model in Jordan

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Nabeela Otoum
Ali M. Alzoubi


The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a training program based on (TPACK- Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) model in improved algebraic thinking and productive disposition among female Primary school teachers. the guide for the training program and study tools was prepared, ensured their validity and stability, an available sample was selected from the schools of Jerash Kasbah of the Directorate of Education of Jerash Governorate, consisted of (36) mathematics teachers, divided into two groups: one experimental consisted of (18) teachers trained according to (TPACK) model, and the other was a control teacher consisted of (18) teachers who did not undergo training. Results showed statistically significant differences on the algebraic thinking test between the members of the control and experimental groups, and in favor of the experimental group that was trained according to the model, also showed that training according to (TPACK) model improved the level of performance of the experimental group mathematics teachers on the productive disposition scale, and raised their performance to an expert level. one of which is need to change the pattern of training programs directed to teachers within specific mathematics content, and apply integrative teaching models that enhance content, pedagogy and enhanced technology.


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Otoum, N., & Alzoubi, A. M. (2024). Improving Algebraic Thinking and Productive Desire among a Training Program Based on (TPACK) Model in Jordan. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 2(2).
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