Assessing the Effectiveness of Science, Technology, Engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Education on Students’ Achievement in Secondary Schools
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The education community has become aware of the need to change the way STEM courses are taught because of the good effects STEM programmes have on students’ academic performance, attitudes, and interests as well as their communication and problem-solving abilities. STEM education is supposed to increase students’ conceptual understanding of how science and mathematics are interrelated so they can better understand engineering and technology. One of the long-term objectives of every educational institution is to raise students’ academic achievement. With the quasi-experimental research control design utilised, the study aims to examine the contribution of STEM education in secondary schools. Consequently, it utilises a multidisciplinary strategy for integrating STEM - to the field of STEM education, and discusses STEM literacy; factors influencing students’ engagement in STEM education; effective pedagogical practices, and their influence on student learning and achievement in STEM; and the role of the teacher in STEM education. Three essential components were found after a thorough analysis of the studies: (1) the importance of focusing on the secondary phase of schooling to maintain student interest and motivation to engage in STEM, (2) the implementation of effective pedagogical practices to increase student interest and motivation, develop 21st century competencies, and improve student achievement, and (3) the development of high-quality teachers to positively affect students’ attitudes and motivation towards STEM.
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