Classroom Management as Correlate of Students’ Behavioural Outcome in Junior Secondary Schools in Ishielu Local Government Area, Ebonyi State
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The study was carried out to investigate the correlation between classroom management and students’ behavioral outcomes in Junior Secondary schools in Ishielu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The purpose of the research was to find out if classroom management correlates with students' behavioral outcomes in Junior Secondary Schools in Ishielu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The researcher adopted a correlation research design with a population size of 300 teachers. A sample of 120 respondents was drawn out of the population for the study using a simple random sampling technique. Three research questions and three Ho were formulated for the study. The questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts in the Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The reliability of the instrument was obtained using the Cronbach alpha coefficient, which yielded alpha coefficient values of 0.73 and 0.85, respectively. Pearson's moment correlation coefficient was used to analyze the data. The findings showed that there is a highly positive and significant relationship between classroom management and students’ behavioral outcomes in junior secondary schools in Ishielu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among others, that teachers should prioritize classroom management practices, especially those that have been shown to be effective in teaching and learning, such as classroom monitoring and classroom arrangement, especially in junior secondary schools.
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