The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning (CL) on Reading Comprehension of EFL Learners at Tertiary Education
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This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of cooperative learning (CL) on reading comprehension achievement of EFL students. The population of 54 EFL students were officially asked to sit the proficiency test (IELTS) to be accessed to the study. After administering the test, these students were randomly assigned to two groups, one experimental group and one control group, on the further stages of the study. The researcher implemented cooperative learning (CL) to teach students in the experimental group while control group was instructed via conventional instructions. After two months and a half (10 weeks) period of implementation, a post-test was administered and then analyzed through an independent sample t-test to see the results. The results revealed that the students in experimental group achieved higher scores in reading comprehension compared with control group in the post-test.
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