Teacher Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Practical Skills Competence as Determinants of Students’ Performance in Biology
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The research examined the relationship between teacher pedagogical content knowledge and practical skills competence as factors influencing students’ performance in Biology within the Abeokuta South Local Government Area of Ogun State. Employing a correlational research design, the study involved 240 respondents, specifically SSII biology students, who were selected through a multistage sampling technique. Data were gathered using the Teacher Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Competence in Practical Skills Rating Scale, which demonstrated reliability coefficients of 0.80 and 0.73, respectively. The analysis of the collected data utilized descriptive statistics and multiple regression techniques. The findings indicated a significant influence of the level of teacher pedagogical content knowledge and competence in practical skills on the academic performance of students. The findings also revealed that teachers’ competence in practical skills has a positive effect on students’ understanding of biological concepts and students’ performance in biology. In light of these results, the study recommends that educators should im-prove their pedagogical content knowledge and practical skills competence to improve students’ performance in Biology. Furthermore, teacher training programs should prioritize the development of robust content knowledge and practical skills in the field of Biology.
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