The Transformative Role of Qualitative Research in ELT and Applied Linguistics
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This paper examines the transformative impact of qualitative research on English Language Teaching (ELT) and Applied Linguistics. It highlights how qualitative research can reveal complex insights into classroom dynamics, teacher attitudes, learner identities and societal factors. This study adopted a basic descriptive qualitative approach and collected data through semi-structured interviews with active, experienced university educators in teacher education programs. The findings revealed that qualitative research effectively addresses underexplored areas, such as the impact of cultural and social factors on language acquisition and learner engagement, while also providing actionable insights for teacher training, curriculum design, and classroom practices. Participants emphasized the adaptability and depth of qualitative methods, despite challenges such as time-intensive data collection and the need for ethical rigor. This study contributes to the field by bridging theory and practice, showcasing the role of qualitative methodologies in fostering culturally responsive and inclusive teaching practices, advancing teacher professional development, and addressing real-world educational challenges. Ultimately, the study highlights the enduring relevance of qualitative research in shaping innovative pedagogical strategies and advancing theoretical knowledge in ELT and Applied Linguistics.
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