Gender-Based Teaching-Learning Classroom Dynamics in Human Sexuality Education

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Dr. Raphael Kevin I. Nagal
Dr. Peter Ernie D. Paris


This article investigates the gender-based teaching-learning dynamics during human sexuality education, focusing on how the genders of teachers and students affect classroom discussions. Using Constructivist Grounded Theory, analysis was drawn from classroom observations, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions with theoretically sampled teachers and students. Documentations of these methods were done through audio-video recording, memoing, field notes and constant comparative analysis of saturated data. Results revealed that the teaching dynamics include gender prejudice; teacher competence; creation and maintenance of a safe environment; playful engagement; code switching and the use of vernacular; personalization and real-life application; teacher-directed instruction; and audio-visual aids utilization. The learning dynamics include sociocultural and multimedia influences, teacher gender preferences, teaching methods, language challenges, and religion’s influence. Gender dynamics affect students’ comfort levels and engagement, with female teachers being preferred to facilitate due to their perceived ability to foster a more comfortable learning environment. Male teachers face challenges in addressing sensitive topics with female students, leading to discomfort and decreased interactions and engagement. Humor, personalization of lessons, and code-switching also emerged as effective teaching approaches, though their success varies based on the gender composition of the class. These precipitates the need for gender-sensitive teaching strategies, up-training of teachers, and curriculum re-vision to eradicate issues in the teaching-learning process. The research provides valuable insights in improving human sexuality education by encouraging inclusive classroom dynamics.


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How to Cite
Nagal, R. K., & PAris, P. E. (2025). Gender-Based Teaching-Learning Classroom Dynamics in Human Sexuality Education. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 3(1).
Research Articles
Author Biography

Dr. Peter Ernie D. Paris, West Visayas State University, Philippines

Vice President for Admin and Finance


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