Use of Games Designed with an Interdisciplinary Approach in Primary School Turkish and Mathematics Lessons

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Kemal Faruk Bakır
Fazilet Kılıç


This research aims to examine the effects of games designed with an interdisciplinary approach on the use of games in Turkish and mathematics courses on the success of 2nd-grade students in these courses. For this purpose, action research, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study and the data collected as a result of the semi-structured interview with the teacher who carried out the application was analyzed through content analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was examined under the subheadings ‘skills developed through interdisciplinary games’ and ‘association skills developed through interdisciplinary games’, and these titles were used as subthemes based on the codes during the analysis. However, another finding, the use of interdisciplinary games in educational activities, was examined in two categories: factors originating from teachers and the concept of interdisciplinary games themselves. As a result of this, the codes of ‘thematicity and naturalness’ in the context of factors originating from the interdisciplinary game concept itself, in the context of factors originating from teachers, the codes of ‘prejudice, difficulty being seen and awareness’ were reached. In the current research, it was determined that games designed with an interdisciplinary approach were significantly effective in teaching Turkish and mathematics disciplines and enriched learning situations.


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How to Cite
Bakır, K. F., & Kılıç, F. (2025). Use of Games Designed with an Interdisciplinary Approach in Primary School Turkish and Mathematics Lessons. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 3(1).
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