Threads of Knowledge: Mathematical Practices in Traditional Hablon Weaving

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Errol Paquiao


Hablon, a traditional handwoven textile from Iloilo, Philippines, has been a vital part of the province’s identity and economy since the pre-colonial era. While there were studies on the mathematical structures in the finished fabrics, there had been little to no studies exploring how weavers utilize mathematics in the process of loom weaving. This ethnographic study explored the mathematical knowledge and skills of weavers in two weaving centers in Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines. The study aimed to document hablon weavers’ mathematical practices and competencies that could enhance teaching approaches. Four key informants were selected using purposive sampling, and data collection and analysis followed Spradley’s Developmental Research Sequence. Participant observation, ethnographic interviews, field notes, recorded videos, photographs, and artifacts were used as primary data collection methods, ensuring triangulation and facilitating analysis. The findings revealed that the weavers utilized mathematics in designing, calculating and estimating number of threads, demonstrating parallelism, and establishing symmetry. These activities showcased mathematical competence in various areas of mathematics. These findings support a culture-based mathematics curriculum and instructions for high school and university students in the Philippines. Moreover, hablon weaving offers an avenue for weavers to utilize mathematics informally at work. Therefore, contextualizing mathematics lessons through the integration of indigenous hablon weaving culture may bridge the gap between classroom instructions and real-life applications. Recommendations include incorporating local culture and community needs into classroom instruction, integrating co-curricular activities, and community involvement for real-world learning.


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How to Cite
Paquiao, E. (2025). Threads of Knowledge: Mathematical Practices in Traditional Hablon Weaving. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 3(1).
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