When AI enters Moroccan primary schools: what uses, challenges, and prospects for tomorrow's education?

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Fatima Zahra LOTFI
Youssef Laajan


This study explores the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in primary education in Morocco through teachers’ perceptions, identifying current uses, major challenges, and key factors facilitating its adoption. Using a mixed-methods approach, it combines quantitative and qualitative analyses based on a questionnaire administered to 200 primary school teachers, mainly from the public sector. The results indicate that AI is perceived as a tool for enhancing pedagogical practices, particularly for lesson planning and the creation of educational content in language teaching, scientific awakening, and mathematics. However, its integration remains limited due to a lack of training, restricted access to technology and the Internet, and insufficient institutional support. Statistical analysis reveals a slightly significant tendency among experienced teachers to integrate AI more effectively into their teaching practices (r = 0.270, p < 0.01). Given these challenges, this study highlights the urgency of implementing targeted training programs and a multidimensional educational policy to fully harness AI’s potential while clearly distinguishing its uses from other digital tools.


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How to Cite
LOTFI, F. Z., & Laajan, Y. (2025). When AI enters Moroccan primary schools: what uses, challenges, and prospects for tomorrow’s education?. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.59652/jetm.v3i1.476
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