Examining Academicians’ and Teachers’ Opinions on Designing Science Activities in Informal Settings
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The main purpose of this study is to determine what teachers and academicians think about the process of designing and implementing science activities in informal settings and make suggestions as to how to teach more effectively in them. This study is a cross-sectional survey study and divided the teachers constituting the sample group into subgroups (sections), namely, those who had received training in teaching science in informal settings and those who had not. The current opinions of the academicians were also included in the research. A total of 338 people – 304 science teachers and 34 academicians – participated in this study. A questionnaire was used to collect the data for the research. When the research findings were examined, it was seen that neither teachers nor academicians have the desired levels of knowledge about planning and implementing science-teaching activities in informal settings. The fact that teachers do not have sufficient information on this subject can be interpreted as a reflection of the inadequacy of academicians and government instructors who train and support teachers.
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