Exploring Embedded Contextual Factors and Their Contribution to Facilitating Autonomous Learning

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Md. Khurshid Hassan Rajib
Rubaiyat Jahan


This study delves into the influence of contextual factors on learner autonomy, highlighting that autonomous learning can be manifested differently due to contextual factors. This study engaged in exploring the learners’ attitudes and learning practices to understand whether contextual factors facilitate learner autonomy in the university context. This study examined contextual factors, e.g., peer interaction, teachers’ role, the curricular context, and prior learning experience, with a view to accomplishing its mission. Data was collected from 20 English language learners using semi-structured interviews, and thematic analysis was employed to analyze the data sets. The findings reveal that peer interaction facilitates autonomous learning through cooperation. Teachers’ authoritarian roles seem to impede the development of learner autonomy. The curricular context tends to be obstructive since it prioritizes rote learning and delimits opportunities for autonomous practices. Participants’ prior experiences of teacher-dependent and rote learning appear to impede their current autonomous learning. The findings of this study implicate that school curricula should create ample opportunities from the early levels of education to maximize learning potential through autonomous learning.


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Rajib, M. K. H., & Jahan, R. (2024). Exploring Embedded Contextual Factors and Their Contribution to Facilitating Autonomous Learning. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.59652/jetm.v2i2.200
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