Exploring AI-Driven Adaptive Feedback in the Second Language Writing Skills Prompt AI Technology in Language Teaching

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Farhad Ghorbandordinejad
Temirbolat Kenshinbay


Recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence have changed CALL in the last decade, especially in terms of L2 writing. Therefore, the current research focuses on the extent to which AI-based adaptive feedback technologies in CALL improve L2 writing skills. It discusses the work AI does, the means it uses, and the theories it is based on when providing adaptive feedback, in light of the context, focusing on the role it plays in shaping particular educational pathways. The paper provides an overview of AI-integrated CALL tools that provide a measure of the tool’s effectiveness in generating useful feedback that helps in teaching L2 writing to meet real-world needs. Research findings and studies from different contexts support the use of these tools to improve learners’ L2 writing performance. Issues related to the use of AI-based adaptive feedback will also be addressed, including privacy, algorithm, and learner acceptance issues. By recommending the use of AI technology in language teaching, accompanied by human feedback, this study presents a constructive and moral model of how AI can be used without compromising its learning effect. Consequently, the results of the study show the potential benefits of using AI to generate adaptive feedback in improving L2 writing due to the immediacy, individualization, and possibility of iterating the feedback, which can help revolutionize language learning.


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How to Cite
Ghorbandordinejad, F., & Kenshinbay, T. (2024). Exploring AI-Driven Adaptive Feedback in the Second Language Writing Skills Prompt: AI Technology in Language Teaching. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 2(3). https://doi.org/10.59652/jetm.v2i3.264
Research Articles
Author Biography

Farhad Ghorbandordinejad, Başkent University, Ankara, Turkey


Başkent University, Faculty of Education

ELT Department, Ankara, Turkey

ORCID: https://orcid/org/0009-0006-3558-3746


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