Speaking on the Way: A Simulation-Based Proposal for Primary-School EFL Learners
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The main purpose of this case study was to investigate the possibilities of simulation-based learning in Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Greek Primary Education by focusing on the speaking skill. Following a thorough evaluation of the speaking section of the sixth grade’s coursebook, it became evident that the simulation-based activities had shortcomings that needed improvement. An alternative proposal of a simulation-based activity with a cultural focus revealed the complications of achieving successful implementation when it comes to simulation-based experiential learning. The findings that came from the recording of a specific learner’s responses revealed that the learner took up the challenge to try a different approach to communicating in English within the context of the EFL lesson. What is more, the proposed lesson plan created implications for exploring the EFL learners’ relationship to English-speaking cultures, i.e., British culture. Limitations of the study and directions for further research were also provided.
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