Utilization of Gamified Pocket Guides on Enhancing Adjective Order Usage Skills of the First-Year College of Education Students
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The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of gamified pocket guides in enhancing adjective order usage among first-year College of Education (COED) students of Laguna University. Based on the data gathered, the researchers found out the following. The pre-test results showed that the students’ adeptness on adjective order usage was “below average”, which supported the reason of the researchers for a study to be conducted as well as an intervention to be implemented to which the gamified pocket guide was used. The learning material undergone proper validity of three language teachers to measure its effectiveness and received “very evident” remarks in each criterion. After the intervention a post-test was conducted which showed a significant improvement across various student groups as all of the group of first year students scored within the “Good” range suggesting that the intervention had a beneficial impact for the development of students’ skills in adjective order usage. The pre-test and post-test findings also revealed a statistically significant difference in the students’ ability to use adjectives. The increase in mean scores. as well as the t-values and p-values, shows that the interactive learning tactics improved students’ knowledge in using adjective order. These findings highlight the potential of interactive and student-centered approaches, such as gamified learning through pocket guides, in addressing gaps in language proficiency.
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