Effectiveness of Audio-visual Materials in Teaching Reading for Young EFL Learners in Bangladesh An Experimental Study
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This article presents the effectiveness of audio-visual materials on young learners’ reading skills in an EFL context. It aims to see the result of developing their abilities by using audio-visual materials in the classroom. The study was conducted on 35 students of Tutpara Model Government Primary School in Khulna, a southern district of Bangladesh. It was an experimental study where a pre-test and a post-test were given to experiment with the students who were selected randomly. The students were taught with audio-visual materials for 3 months. The results of the research finds that there is a progress of the students’ reading skills after the use of audio-visual materials. The students were able to read out the text with more confidence, could make development in pronunciation and also could increase their vocabulary knowing unfamiliar words and their meanings. As a by-product, the learners were more enthusiastic in learning being entertained in the multimedia classroom and gave full concentration on particular tasks than in their regular class.
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