Contemporary educational discourse as a tool of modernization of higher education

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Nataliya Bhinder


 The article deals with the analysis of different approaches to definition of category of educational discourse in various fields of humanities in particular. Special attention was drawn towards explanation the notion of educational discourse. According to the author it means a type of institutional communication with a regulatory orientation, the purpose of which is the socialization of a new member of society, the transfer to him of certain knowledge, abilities, skills, social values. The article proves that educational discourse creates positive educational communication between participants of educational process and resulted in positive knowledge transfer. Also, the author outlines the structural components of educational discourse, explains it role within the educational process. the findings show that effective educational discourse applied between the partciipants of educational process help to build a positive educational environment and, in the long run, modernize higher education.


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How to Cite
Bhinder, N. (2023). Contemporary educational discourse as a tool of modernization of higher education . EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 1(2).


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