Teaching Physics in the Kitchen: Bridging Science Education and Everyday Life

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Konstantinos T. Kotsis


Physics is a fundamental branch of science that studies the fundamental principles governing the behaviour of matter and energy. Traditionally, physics has been taught in classrooms using theoretical concepts and mathematical equations. However, connecting these abstract concepts to everyday life experiences can significantly enhance students' understanding and interest in the subject. This paper explores the educational potential of teaching physics in the kitchen, where various phenomena and processes can be observed and analysed. By leveraging common kitchen appliances, cooking techniques, and ingredients, students can explore concepts such as thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and more. This paper discusses the benefits of teaching physics in the kitchen, provides examples of practical experiments and demonstrations, and highlights the impact of this approach on student engagement and learning outcomes.


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How to Cite
Kotsis, K. T. (2024). Teaching Physics in the Kitchen: Bridging Science Education and Everyday Life. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.59652/jetm.v2i1.109
Pedagogical Insights


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